hey GALS <3
Finally a new post and this time...the maintheme is really galish(? xD)!
Finally a new post and this time...the maintheme is really galish(? xD)!
First of all this week Shinryo was visiting me here in Germany, so the next Entry will be have the theme about. Sadly he tooks the photos from our trip so i start with my presents what Shinryo gives me from Japan <3
JEEEEZ i was so: OMG! I'm in heaven?! on this point...thank you so much again Shinryo! *kiss*
So lets take a look in the bags <3~
a jumpsuit from Liz Lisa <333 i can't tell how much I love it!
detailview <333 it's so cute! I can't wait to try it out!
Okay not from the brand Liz Lisa but still it is L.O.V.E I really love the color <3 Well im not a big fan from Ma*rs because most of the clothes there looks really....I don't know xD But this Jacket is pure Love!
a cute puder rose Liz Lisa Bag <3 nggggggggh so cute!

one of my favorits too <3 I love it so much. And the funny thing is...when i put it on last wednsday (outfit of the day will be come in the next entry <3) a worker from gina tricot ask me where i buy this skirt xD When i told her that it comes from Japan she was so sad ><!

Oh.My.God. Yeah...when i saw it i was really surprised...because this boots are from the last fall/winter liz lisa winter collection...and I was i really sad that i don't get them...but Shinryo found them in a outletshop for less money ;A; geeeez this are my favorit boots EVER! and so comfortable ;A;
you can put the fur on or out <3 so cool!

some shoes from a japanese brand xD I forgot the name but i really like them <33333~
cute Liz Lisa Hotpants in pink <3333 dawww i was so happy that i fit right in xD!

gosh i really love this jeans jacket <3 its from Liz Lisa too and sooooo cute!!!! I wear it like everyday xDDD

cute Liz Lisa sleepingpants <3

gosh this hotpants is awesome! I really like the cut <3 its really Liz Lisa like i think.

Typical Liz Lisa Blouse xD i want one soooooo badly! and it is so pretty! The fabric is awesome <3

HOODIE!!!!!!!!! OMG Hoodies are the best and it is from Liz Lisa too xD. BEST²!!!
Detailview <3 cute little Usagis!!

elastic Liz Lisa Belt <3 i will combinate it with the jumpsuit! *3*

one of my favorits too <3 I love it so much. And the funny thing is...when i put it on last wednsday (outfit of the day will be come in the next entry <3) a worker from gina tricot ask me where i buy this skirt xD When i told her that it comes from Japan she was so sad ><!

Oh.My.God. Yeah...when i saw it i was really surprised...because this boots are from the last fall/winter liz lisa winter collection...and I was i really sad that i don't get them...but Shinryo found them in a outletshop for less money ;A; geeeez this are my favorit boots EVER! and so comfortable ;A;
you can put the fur on or out <3 so cool!

some shoes from a japanese brand xD I forgot the name but i really like them <33333~
cute Liz Lisa Hotpants in pink <3333 dawww i was so happy that i fit right in xD!

gosh i really love this jeans jacket <3 its from Liz Lisa too and sooooo cute!!!! I wear it like everyday xDDD

cute Liz Lisa sleepingpants <3

gosh this hotpants is awesome! I really like the cut <3 its really Liz Lisa like i think.

Typical Liz Lisa Blouse xD i want one soooooo badly! and it is so pretty! The fabric is awesome <3

HOODIE!!!!!!!!! OMG Hoodies are the best and it is from Liz Lisa too xD. BEST²!!!
Detailview <3 cute little Usagis!!

elastic Liz Lisa Belt <3 i will combinate it with the jumpsuit! *3*

a cute ribbon <333333 i want to have long hair to make a bun with it xD

a cute notebook ;A; awwwww~

a Liz Lisa fan <3 Shinryo says that it was goodie *3* how cute!

really random i know xD but i like the Liz Lisa Bag!

and the Ma*rs Bag too <3

jeeeeeez i think i don't need to shopping this year anymore haha xD~ I really love these things so much and thanks to Shinryo who was so kind <33~ so the next themes will be the week with Shinryo and then a review from my new gyaru make up ( when it finally arrives |D~). OOTD will be appear with the new blogentrys <3.
And at least i want to thank everyone who follow my blog now! I was so happy that i saw that my readers have increase <333~
so see you the next time!