Montag, 26. Dezember 2011

Christmas Eve and 1.Christmasday

hello everyone  *A*~ So today is the last Christmasday...don't really manage that Christmas is again the time flys....and now in two days, my boyfriend comes viseting me for 10 days <3 so exiting~
I want to make a Entry about my Christmas so here we go:

 Will start with our Christmas Eve Meal! It was so delicious~ My mom is a great cook!
 <3~~ mhhhh
 Potato Gratin *A*
 Baguette *_*~
 Fish <333
Granataplle Ice *3*~

it was really good! Only for the food i want to have christmas eve again haha xD!
Because my mum and me have a biiig trip next year, we said to each other:dont make presents at christmas eve...well that don't really use something xD At the end we gave us presents though:
 my presents <333~ really like them! (so exited about the gantz movie and my new AC Pyamas *3*~ YAY!!!)
so and last not but least, my Outfit! I really like it <3:
with my new Jeans *___*~ finally my new Jeans Size is 25 >D YESSA!
 so at 1st Christmasday we only eat Gulasch at my aunts place <3 no picture sorry but it was sooooo good! But still i have my Outfit from this day *3*~ a little bit AnkRouge coordinated:

1 Kommentar:

  1. ....größe 25...GEB DOCH AN xD
    ich mag deine outfits, vor allem das erste, ist mal von der farbigkeit etwas anderes, steht dir auch super ^^
